Friday, May 21, 2010

Bad Poetry!

Isn't a struggling writer's blog obligated to have on it some really bad poetry?  I think so.  Here's mine.  I wouldn't post it if I didn't think it was worth reading.  I laughed a lot writing it, and that's enough for me.  I think any poetry I ever write will end up just being Seussian story telling.  I got this idea from watching one of those TLC shows about "the most haunted places," and there was a ghost in a hotel that... turned on televisions.  I thought "how horrible would it be if I were a ghost, and all I could do was turn on a tv?"... and then I realized that rhymed, so I wrote poetry.  That was the extent of my muse's interplay on all of this.  Deep, right?

A Not-Particularly Scary Ghost Story

If I were a ghost, how sad would it be
If all I could do was turn on the tv?

My soulless body would undoubtedly scare
Enough to make the locals beware;
But all I could do was turn on the tv.

I would live in a big house, all caked in grime
I try moaning and groaning just to pass the time;
But all I could do was turn on the tv.

Queues set up, so windy and long,
And visitors pay just to hear my song;
But all I could do was turn on the tv.

“Where is screaming?” they bellow with rage,
“I want a ghost, a phantasm, a rattling cage!”
But all I could do was turn on the tv.

“That’s not a ghost,” the little boys grumble,
“That’s just bad wiring, a mistake, a fumble.”
But all I could do was turn on the tv.

A séance takes place inside the great hall,
Wishing and hoping I may answer the call,
But all I could do was turn on the tv.

So, I turn on the tv, and turn it up loud,
“That doesn’t count!” exclaims the belligerent crowd,
But all I could do was turn on the tv!

“Show us your power, oh harbinger of death,
“We await your sign with bated breath!”
But all I could do was turn on the tv.

“A sacrifice is needed!” a fat lady reports,
She's very scary: black lipstick and cargo shorts.
But all I could do was turn on the tv.

Pentagrams and sheep’s blood are strewn all around,
Then everyone sits, cross-legged, not making a sound.
…But all I could do was turn on the tv.

They all get up, eyes rolling, virulent and rude,
Saying that they don’t understand my attitude.
But all I could do was turn on the tv.

“I have an idea,” the woman says again,
“Toss the tv out!  That’s a fine place to begin!”
But all I could do was turn on the tv.

They toss it out with an old “heev-ho,”
I get very angry when I see the screen go,
Because all I could do was turn on the tv.

What happened next was quite the blur,
And why twenty corpses surrounding me? I’m not sure.
Because, after all, all I could do was turn on the tv.

The tv is back, and my soul is on the mend,
But now I have twenty of the worst kind of friend.
They shriek and holler, bang pipes and curse,
Loud, obnoxious, caustic, terse.
Oh, how I wish that they would just let me be,
Because, honestly, all I want to do is turn on the tv.


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